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how to ask for more piercings...

i wanna get ear piercings up my ear (16f) around my 17th bday (in jan, im planning quite ahead but still) how do i go abt asking my mum for more piercings? she's cool w that kinda thing (she has a nose piercing and loads of ear ones) and i already have 2 on each ear. but idk *how* to go abt asking, it is kinda random lol
Reply 1
My uncle taught me a brilliant saying. It goes like this

When I was 18, I thought I knew everything
When I was 21, I knew I knew everything
When I was 30, I knew I knew nothing.

I was told this when I was 18 and obviously in that moment, I knew everything. My uncle though, was absolutely right. Don't destroy your body just yet. You may live to regret it. If your mum says no, it is for a good reason. You have the rest of your life to live. Leave some living for later.
Original post by elareare
i wanna get ear piercings up my ear (16f) around my 17th bday (in jan, im planning quite ahead but still) how do i go abt asking my mum for more piercings? she's cool w that kinda thing (she has a nose piercing and loads of ear ones) and i already have 2 on each ear. but idk *how* to go abt asking, it is kinda random lol

You could ask for more piercings as a birthday present? For example you could say "for my birthday, would it be okay if I get more piercings?" and then see what your mother says. I mean, if you already have piercings it's not really that random to bring up the topic of piercings again (I'd say)
(edited 1 month ago)
Reply 3
Original post by always-anxious
You could ask for more piercings as a birthday present? For example you could say "for my birthday, would it be okay if I get more piercings?" and then see what your mother says. I mean, if you already have piercings it's not really that random to bring up the topic of piercings again (I'd say)
okay, this is a good idea 👍 thx

Original post by hotpud
My uncle taught me a brilliant saying. It goes like this
When I was 18, I thought I knew everything
When I was 21, I knew I knew everything
When I was 30, I knew I knew nothing.
I was told this when I was 18 and obviously in that moment, I knew everything. My uncle though, was absolutely right. Don't destroy your body just yet. You may live to regret it. If your mum says no, it is for a good reason. You have the rest of your life to live. Leave some living for later.

yeah k i studied socrates when i was younger 😂 (wise man knows he knows nothing and all)
i do already have 2 ear piercings since childhood, so it's hardly a thing i'mma regret, but i do appreciate the sentiment
Ask if you can have a piercing and if she doesn't let you then say that you do it without her permission and she will let you
Reply 5
Original post by -Laureliz-
Ask if you can have a piercing and if she doesn't let you then say that you do it without her permission and she will let you

🤣😅 i would be killed, and for good reason

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