The Student Room Group

Questioning relationship

My bf always tells me he doesn’t feel good enough. As much as I tell him he is he just doesn’t believe it so i feel very unhelpful. I think he’s quite insecure and tbh it’s starting to become really difficult to deal with, I’ve run out of things to say to make him feel better :frown:
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Original post by Anonymous
My bf always tells me he doesn’t feel good enough. As much as I tell him he is he just doesn’t believe it so i feel very unhelpful. I think he’s quite insecure and tbh it’s starting to become really difficult to deal with, I’ve run out of things to say to make him feel better :frown:

hi there sorry about the situation you are going through. if i was in your situation i would maybe reccomend for the both of you to have a conversation about how he himself will help himself, i would suggest maybe therapy for him or try ask him first why he feels as hes not good enough, that could be resulted in past experinces (thats jsut a thought, im not certain), if that is the case, therapy would be the way to go howvever it can be quite expensive, instead you could try get your bf to try some new activites to distract himself, journalling, talking about it, changign his lifestyle routine, excersing etc... if that doesnt work i would suggest for your sake, to take a break between you two and hopefully he would be able to focus alot on himself and you could do the same. but dont result to that last option so abruplty, you should definitely try to talk about the sitation between the two of you first (that doenst inlcue why he feels the way he does but more what are your next following actions going to be) i hope this helped.

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