Respectfully, 99% of guys go to clubs to pick up girls and satisfy their desires, and not to create a connection with you. Girls generally want a connection, and since there are guys at the club, they’ll go to the club not understanding this principle.
Every Sunday morning cities are filled with naive girls who go to clubs, are picked up, and then are kicked out the next morning. Heading home, they drag their feet along knowing they were just used, but their naiveté leads them in the same cycle the following week hoping that something different might occur on this occasion. When old age comes along, looking back, they are in perpetual agony at the memory of moments of depravity and waste.
If you want to live a happy and fulfilled life, I encourage you to walk the path of spiritual self-discovery, and on this journey to avoid clubs at all cost and look elsewhere. Remove the social circles which drag you into this pit, and find ones which will guide you into the right direction.