The Student Room Group

Social Media use in Politics

This is a potentially odd post (particularly for student room) but I am doing a project on social media use in political campaigning (particularly for young people) and am wondering what sort of political social media posts 'non-political' people are drawn to. I have seen first-hand that controversial posts seem to work, but other types of posts (ie, some with music, memes, etc.) also work with young people. Please let me know any thoughts!
(edited 2 months ago)
The average person isn't (politically) very literate. So I'd agree with a basic meme with a memorable expression etc like the ken meme, or a very basic slogan "stop the boats" or a very theatrical song (pretty sure a US candidate had "we will rock you") blaring in the background.

Psychologically no matter how heinous or nonsensical the party / individual, facing up to the reality is just too painful. So people will justify it in their minds to rationalise things, e.g. all asylum seekers are prverts etc

That's my perspective anyways
This completely makes sense. Many thanks!

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