The Student Room Group

Going toilet in exam with medical condition

What help is there for people with ibs in A-Level exams? Recently had a bad experience needing to go to the toilet in a mock, I feel like there's no way I can last 2.5 hours. Do you know if there is a way to get mytime added back onifi need the toilet? Do I need to send a doctor's note to the exam board in advance? Is there any other help available to me for this?
Original post by Anonymous
What help is there for people with ibs in A-Level exams? Recently had a bad experience needing to go to the toilet in a mock, I feel like there's no way I can last 2.5 hours. Do you know if there is a way to get mytime added back onifi need the toilet? Do I need to send a doctor's note to the exam board in advance? Is there any other help available to me for this?

As someone without IBS I don't know exactly but I do get really heavy periods that were a problem during exam seasons so I can relate slightly.

I wouldn't suggest going to your exam board directly - instead contact your exams officer, or your head of college/VI form ( id you don't have an exams officer) about it. This may help you to get rest breaks or to still do the full exam with toilet breaks.

Depending on how many sets of mocks you get in year 13 (I think I had 5 across sixthform with in year 13 for two of my subjects), you can see what works best. In the event that the exam board will be contacted (which your EO or HOY should do), they should have a few strategies that you can try

Hope this helps:smile:
Original post by Anonymous
What help is there for people with ibs in A-Level exams? Recently had a bad experience needing to go to the toilet in a mock, I feel like there's no way I can last 2.5 hours. Do you know if there is a way to get mytime added back onifi need the toilet? Do I need to send a doctor's note to the exam board in advance? Is there any other help available to me for this?

you are allowed to use the toilets during exams in my alevel exams i was able too. but don’t threat inform your exam managers in school and show medical proof with diagnosis so they can show exam board and you can get special consideration!
You can get rest breaks where the time is stopped and added on the end. But you need to go to your learning support team at college to get it.

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