The Student Room Group

New to Sex - help

Hello, I’m a young female who’s recently started having sex with my boyfriend. It was really painful to begin with but it’s a lot better now in terms of pain.

I wanted to ask if it’s normal for a woman to ‘finish’ whilst being penetrated? As I haven’t been able to yet, maybe because it’s still slightly painful?
How can I achieve an orgasm?

Also is it normal to take a long time to finish? Or even finishing quietly? If I finish myself i can in a matter of minutes but with other guys it’s always taken me 10-15 mins when they try to finish me - is that normal?

Original post by Anonymous
Hello, I’m a young female who’s recently started having sex with my boyfriend. It was really painful to begin with but it’s a lot better now in terms of pain.
I wanted to ask if it’s normal for a woman to ‘finish’ whilst being penetrated? As I haven’t been able to yet, maybe because it’s still slightly painful?
How can I achieve an orgasm?
Also is it normal to take a long time to finish? Or even finishing quietly? If I finish myself i can in a matter of minutes but with other guys it’s always taken me 10-15 mins when they try to finish me - is that normal?

Well you know your body a lot better than other people so of course you will know what you like and what makes you finish. You can start with telling your boyfriend what to do that you know feels good like certain spots or rhythms. And yes, penetration can take longer for girls to finish than if they were do it on their own, maybe experiment different positions and angles. Ask him to touch certain parts of your body whilst its happening. Not one thing works for everyone so have fun and see what you like and don't like :smile:

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