ok....heres a problem 4 u guys ! i really fancy this grl.... but she hes a boyfriend that is alot larger than me ! i think she fancys me but im not sure. wot shud i do ?
ok....heres a problem 4 u guys ! i really fancy this grl.... but she hes a boyfriend that is alot larger than me ! i think she fancys me but im not sure. wot shud i do ?
***random person***
Ask her 'Are you happy in your current relationship'. If she says 'Yes' leave it. If she says 'No, but.....' work your way through from there. Be straight up.
ok....heres a problem 4 u guys ! i really fancy this grl.... but she hes a boyfriend that is alot larger than me ! i think she fancys me but im not sure. wot shud i do ?
***random person***
She has a man? Stay away. Or at most befriend her. You think she fancies you, I think either your wishful thinking twists your views (damn I've been there) or she's just a bit flirty. Stay away at least until she becomes available.
ok....heres a problem 4 u guys ! i really fancy this grl.... but she hes a boyfriend that is alot larger than me ! i think she fancys me but im not sure. wot shud i do ?
i am not surprised she is with the other bloke, you did say he was " A LOT LARGER".......i cant dread to think in which way this is lol........you need some pumps and pills!!! outlength him!
ok....heres a problem 4 u guys ! i really fancy this grl.... but she hes a boyfriend that is alot larger than me ! i think she fancys me but im not sure. wot shud i do ?
i am not surprised she is with the other bloke, you did say he was " A LOT LARGER".......i cant dread to think in which way this is lol........you need some pumps and pills!!! outlength him!