The Student Room Group

lonely forever ???

i’m f17 and i got broken up with a few months ago, i feel like i can never love anyone ever again not equally or more than him, it’s completely over with him, he’s was my only relationship and i don’t understand how people just get into another relationship, im completely ugly or like drop dead gorgeous but i think im alright, i am pretty much over him i just don’t think i can find another relationship again, am i doomed?
Reply 1
Maybe you are doomed if that is how you view life at the age of 17!

Your first-ever relationship as a teenager is generally unlikely to last, because you are teenagers. However, you've said you're already over him and not going all Miss Haversham, so the love for this particular guy isn't there anymore. If you meet someone else, you'll love them differently; don't make the mistake of comparing potential partners to your ex.
You'll find someone even better, babe. Dw

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