I haven't really planned anything that I'm going to say, so I apologise if this turns into a long rant or something like that.
For the past year or so, I've been struggling with my mental health. I think I might have OCD, as I experience obsessions and compulsions, but I'm not diagnosed yet so I won't say that I really do have it - which is the problem.
I'm really not sure how to get diagnosed and get help for it. I suppose I'm just scared to ask. I know that I really need to, and I want to, because it's really affecting my life. Throughout all of Year 11, I was struggling in class. I would just spend ages doing my compulsions and wouldn't really pay attention. It has also affected my sleep pretty badly too - I just stay awake for most of the night, and when I do finally get to sleep, I don't get much of it and it's not very good quality sleep, and I still feel tired throughout the day.
In my mocks, I got good scores on all of my exams, so I don't think it has really affected my GCSEs much, but I don't want to take the same chance with A-levels, because screwing those up wouldn't help me at all.
I've tried multiple attempts to ask people for help. I've tried asking my pastoral leader and my parents multiple times, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I'm just scared that they might angry, or just might not care at all. Yes, I know that they probably would take it quite well, but there's just a part of me that's just worrying about them not responding well. I'm thinking about going to a GP for help, but again, I don't know how to. I think my GP only allows me to book by either going in and asking, or booking via a phone call, and I'm not very good with either of those, plus I'm worried about what will happen there too.
If anyone can give me some suggestions to help, please do. I think help would really benefit me.