The Student Room Group

Should I mention high school classes in UCAS

Hi, I'm panning to apply university of Oxford as a Japanese. I know lot of UK students only take A-levels but in my country, I have taken so many subjects. Should I or can I mention those subjects in the education section at UCAS?
Original post by Satoruhg
Hi, I'm panning to apply university of Oxford as a Japanese. I know lot of UK students only take A-levels but in my country, I have taken so many subjects. Should I or can I mention those subjects in the education section at UCAS?

Hey! English people also do gcse's (not sure how many) which they will mention in that sections and as a Scottish student we mentions out Nat5s (subjects) and higher (5/6 subjects) in this section too as well as the exams/subjects you are currently taking which will inevitably form your offer if you are given one. bottom line is mention all exams/qualifications you have- it won't hurt your application. good luck!

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