Hey guys, I’m applying to uni this academic year, in particular HSPS at Cambridge. In terms of the two pieces of written work that we have to submit as a part of the application - I’ve always been told that it has to be school work but none of my essays really show much individuality and essay writing skill per say - or at least not as much as I’d like to think that I have! I do: history, English lit, philosophy, russian, and drama (so all very essay based) but and i don’t know if anyone feels this way - the essays we’re set are quite constraining to the question - they don’t really involve any personal exploration of the topic, just the info and ideas from the textbook. Is this not a problem and am I just overthinking or can we present work we’re more proud of? Also, at the open day I went to, the lecturer mentioned that most essays submitted are history and sociology ones, as I don’t do sociology (not offered by my school) and history essays aren’t my proudest work which other subject should I submit from? Or should I stick with history? Thanks in advance!!