I’m just about to enter year 13 and so should be starting my personal statement. I’ve realised after going to do volunteer work this summer that i want to do zoology at uni however i don’t do bio a level i do maths physics chem and further master and was planning on doing engineering before i went away. (+ mayb dropping further!)
I found at manchester that I can apply without doing bio so was planning on doing this as i still want to go to a russel group uni but a lot of them u have to have done bio to do zoology. My plan was to apply for zoology at manchester then for civil/environmental engineering at other unis however then i’m really not sure how to write my personal statement as i can’t really focus on either subject.
My first question is if there’s any other top unis i can apply for without doing bio for a zoology course?
If not, how to integrate engineering and zoology into my personal statement?
Also any extra reading or courses i could do with bio or animals so that the uni can think that i am capable of doing zoology even without taking bio a level?
Finally if there’s any extra reading i can do which incorporates both environmental engineering and zoology?
Thank you so much!