The Student Room Group

need a part time job

but i dont have any skills, i cant land interviews and im not good at interviews either
Reply 1
Everyone has skills.
Think about what you are good at, and what you want to do for a job / career.
Google that job, eg: Engineer, and look at job descriptions for the career.
<The job descriptions will list skills that are required for the roles.>
Then google those skills and do free courses on Coursera or UDemy to get your qualifications up.

Apply for the jobs, and demonstrate you have the skills required.
Original post by kyle2333
but i dont have any skills, i cant land interviews and im not good at interviews either

Try fast food places such as mcdonalds. They take on a lot of students.
Reply 3
Original post by Adz2042
Everyone has skills.
Think about what you are good at, and what you want to do for a job / career.
Google that job, eg: Engineer, and look at job descriptions for the career.
<The job descriptions will list skills that are required for the roles.>
Then google those skills and do free courses on Coursera or UDemy to get your qualifications up.
Apply for the jobs, and demonstrate you have the skills required.

Ok then, i do all that and still cant do well in interviews because im hopeless at them, then what?
Reply 4
Original post by Emma:-)
Try fast food places such as mcdonalds. They take on a lot of students.

And if i've tried that?
Original post by kyle2333
And if i've tried that?

Restaurants and cafes also take on students.
Reply 6
Original post by Emma:-)
Restaurants and cafes also take on students.

at this point im so disheartened to even try, im depressed because of it
Reply 7
we can only advise what to do. there is no 'hand holding' through interviews or doing things on your behalf.
Reply 8
Original post by Adz2042
we can only advise what to do. there is no 'hand holding' through interviews or doing things on your behalf.

Dont get antagonistic with me, if you got nothing helpful to say then sod off.
(edited 1 month ago)
Original post by kyle2333
but i dont have any skills, i cant land interviews and im not good at interviews either

any local or small businesses without websities usually need help. literally go to your local pub ask if you can wait tables, ask voluteering centres and charity shops for a job rather than to volunteer, good luck!
Reply 10
Original post by doctoral-musket
any local or small businesses without websities usually need help. literally go to your local pub ask if you can wait tables, ask voluteering centres and charity shops for a job rather than to volunteer, good luck!

Thanks, i'll try that once indeed fails maybe.

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