Hi everyone, i have received my results today and they are as follows:
- Law - B - 157
- Psychology - C - 156
- sociology - C - 130
I did not get into my firm choice of uni, but i did get into my insurance which is great. However, I am conflicted as to whether it is worth to send my psychology papers for a remark as I was 1 mark off a B, and it is really bothering me.
(I have not yet found official grade boundaries for psychology but i imagine they would be quite similar)
I understand after sending for a remark, you get a higher grade, the same or lower. I have no issue with this because even if my marks went down a little it would not result into a D but still a C.
I have a guaranteed place at my insurance uni and have called other unis through clearing which have offered me a place also, so that is not a problem. I have also called my firm uni and explained the situation, however they cannot do anything about this and cannot offer me a place because their clearing closes in a week, but the remark (not priority) takes 20 days which would be too late to go to this specific uni. (Even with priority it would be too late)
Regardless of not being able to go to my firm uni, it still bothers me that instead of BBC on my results sheet it says BCC. I am unsure of what i should do and if it would be worth it to remark these results as they are for the rest of your life even though i have a place at uni (just not as prestigious).
Please tell me what you would do if you were in my situation and would you get your papers remarked if you were 1 mark off but the chance of review costs nearly £150??