The Student Room Group

Should I resit my A Levels for a higher ranked university?

Unfortunately I missed my firm and insurance choices (same grades) and went into clearing this morning.
I have received offers for Computer Science however I've had my mind set on my firm, Durham, for a while.
I have the rest of today to make a decision on the offer and I'm torn between going there or resitting as my grades were far below my predicted and what I know I can get.
(edited 1 month ago)
Original post by stn1y
Unfortunately I missed my firm and insurance choices (same grades) and went into clearing this morning.
I have received an offer for Computer Science from Royal Holloway however I've had my mind set on my firm, Durham, for a while.
I have the rest of today to make a decision on the offer and I'm torn between going there or resitting as my grades were far below my predicted and what I know I can get.


If your heart is set on Durham, it might be a good option to resit them if you know you can do a lot better. I wouldn’t personally take a clearing option to a uni I’m not invested in because you’ll be setting yourself up for a negative experience.

If you don’t want to resit, I’d suggest looking at the clearing options available that match up to your current grades and see if any university or courses catch your eye. Otherwise, you can also apply for next year at unis that aren’t in clearing this year but you have the grades for!

Hope this helps,
Dom, Lancaster Uni Rep
Original post by stn1y
Unfortunately I missed my firm and insurance choices (same grades) and went into clearing this morning.
I have received an offer for Computer Science from Royal Holloway however I've had my mind set on my firm, Durham, for a while.
I have the rest of today to make a decision on the offer and I'm torn between going there or resitting as my grades were far below my predicted and what I know I can get.

Hi, can I ask what grades you did end up getting? :smile:
Original post by stn1y
Unfortunately I missed my firm and insurance choices (same grades) and went into clearing this morning.
I have received an offer for Computer Science from Royal Holloway however I've had my mind set on my firm, Durham, for a while.
I have the rest of today to make a decision on the offer and I'm torn between going there or resitting as my grades were far below my predicted and what I know I can get.

Do you have the option of a foundation year at all? You can resit for sure but there is still not guarantee that you get the grades, or get a place next year as things could change. Is there not another uni which offers the same course that you could look at? You could always do a year at another uni and then try and transfer to Durham if they have the availability.
If you have any doubts, then talk to your school about resits and reapply next year.
Original post by stn1y
Unfortunately I missed my firm and insurance choices (same grades) and went into clearing this morning.
I have received an offer for Computer Science from Royal Holloway however I've had my mind set on my firm, Durham, for a while.
I have the rest of today to make a decision on the offer and I'm torn between going there or resitting as my grades were far below my predicted and what I know I can get.

Hi @stn1y

Sorry to hear about your experience today.

I would say that the choice you make depends entirely on how you feel. If you are absolutely set on Durham then take the steps towards getting there whether that means you need to retake or if they can offer a foundation year for you. If you are happy with the new offer and won't regret not trying for Durham then you should go for that.

All the best for your future!
Tatyana (Student Ambassador at NU London)
Original post by stn1y
Unfortunately I missed my firm and insurance choices (same grades) and went into clearing this morning.
I have received an offer for Computer Science from Royal Holloway however I've had my mind set on my firm, Durham, for a while.
I have the rest of today to make a decision on the offer and I'm torn between going there or resitting as my grades were far below my predicted and what I know I can get.

Hi @stn1y

It is important to go to a university you want to go to. Waiting a year to reapply may seem like a very long time but, in the long scheme, it isn't very long at all and is a very common thing for people to do. I would have a good look at the offer you have, the uni, the city and the course. If you think you will enjoy it, then perhaps go for it, but if your heart is set on Durham then I would maybe resit and see if you can get the grades you know you can obtain. Good luck!

Good luck!
Reply 7
Original post by stn1y
Unfortunately I missed my firm and insurance choices (same grades) and went into clearing this morning.
I have received offers for Computer Science however I've had my mind set on my firm, Durham, for a while.
I have the rest of today to make a decision on the offer and I'm torn between going there or resitting as my grades were far below my predicted and what I know I can get.

Hi! I’m in the same boat as you and if you want we can talk privately about it to figure out our options! I got an offer from LSE for law and firmed it, with my insurance being durham. I unfortunately missed my grade by 6 marks which is so heartbreaking and am considering re-sitting as my heart has been set on LSE and knowing that I got in once, especially since I had extenuating circumstances that I wasn’t able to alert the exam board of or the uni before the deadline, shows that I can do it again. It’s a horrible situation I know - but i think for me a gap year would be the best way to both get into your dream uni, save up some money to spend during uni and also get some work experience!
Reply 8
Original post by lovrcide
Hi! I’m in the same boat as you and if you want we can talk privately about it to figure out our options! I got an offer from LSE for law and firmed it, with my insurance being durham. I unfortunately missed my grade by 6 marks which is so heartbreaking and am considering re-sitting as my heart has been set on LSE and knowing that I got in once, especially since I had extenuating circumstances that I wasn’t able to alert the exam board of or the uni before the deadline, shows that I can do it again. It’s a horrible situation I know - but i think for me a gap year would be the best way to both get into your dream uni, save up some money to spend during uni and also get some work experience!

adding onto this ^ spending one year doing this I think is better than spending three years doing a degree you don’t want to do or attending a uni you don’t particularly like. Especially when you know you could’ve done better. I understand the feeling. I’ve been crying for two days straight lmao :,) definitely talk to your teachers about it as well and see what they say.
Original post by stn1y
Unfortunately I missed my firm and insurance choices (same grades) and went into clearing this morning.
I have received offers for Computer Science however I've had my mind set on my firm, Durham, for a while.
I have the rest of today to make a decision on the offer and I'm torn between going there or resitting as my grades were far below my predicted and what I know I can get.
op any updates?

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