I don't enjoy anything. I keep getting asked "if you could do anything, what would you do" in terms on uni courses but I don't enjoy anything thats the thing. There isn't anything in the world that actually makes me feel genuine happiness. I got my A-level grades, they were horrible. I ran out of time in every exam, even GCSEs. It's been a constant thing, I don't know why. I'm not a slow writer, just a very slow thinker and it takes me ages to understand what something is saying.
Everyone is so excited for uni and how its right round the corner - but I just can't believe I have to waste another stage of my life in education, or waste a stage of my life in general. I'm not an interesting person. I don't feel real. I feel like my only purpose in my life is to be in the background for someone elses life. I feel like everyone has a life that is interesting, happy or eventful whereas I have nothing going on.
When I was in year 9, I always thought stuff would get better especially after sixth form because I'm practically "free". It was all a lie. My teenage years were supposed to be one of the most fun years I would every experience. It was all a lie