want to pursue law career but got bad alevels
i got my Alevel results today and they were a far cry from what i was expecting. i was hoping for an A*AB based on my year 13 mock results but ended up achieving BCC (i also did have some family issues regarding my parents and brother during may so that was distracting me a lot).
(also half of the papers will be remarked because of the small mark difference but regardless).
i am hoping to have a career in corporate law but i'm unsure if i should resit because i'm not sure if BCC would get me into any decent firm (i live in london and aim to hopefully work here too).
i did get accepted for Law at Royal Holloway but i can't make a decision.
• should i resit and get better grades and then reapply for an offer from a better uni?
• should i just go to Royal Holloway and work towards getting a 2:1 or a First? but then will my alevel grades hold me back?
i am conflicted between the two because:
i'll get filtered out by some firms anyway (either for bad grades or for being a resit student)
do firms really look at alevel grades? i mean obviously most do, but i searched online and people were debating their significance saying alevel grades are only necessary for a foot in the door and what you do at uni is what matters.
please help me make a decision.