so I got an AAB in my alevels (B in chem) and I need an AAA.. I'm really disappointed and I'm hoping to apply to med this cycle for sept 2025 entry. How would anyone recommend going about this? I've got 2 options:
Option 1 :
Apply to AAB med schools (limited options tho) such as Kent and Medway, Lincoln etc and hope for the best.
Option 2 :
I apply for a private resit with a private college this September, receive a predicted A/A* in chem (with a private tutor/school) - which lifts my grades to atleast an AAA , and then apply to unis this September with a predicted A in chem and achieved AA in bio and geography. This option might allow me have a stronger application and would give me more options to apply. Then I would hopefully achieve an A in chem next year and get accepted.
My question is that:
First off, is that even allowed? and secondly would I be at a disadvantage if uni's see this? I know that some unis allow resits, --if the first attempt was atleast an AAB-- but I'd appreciate any advice on how to go about it.I don't want to apply to 2026 entry because I'd rather not waste another year when I'm already taking a gap! Would it be wise to do this? Application deadline is mid October and I'm not sure what my next move should be. Any advice is greatly appreciated!!!
Edit: I also don't qualify for contextual offers, I only qualify as low income household but I think contextual requires more conditions.. So I'm not eligible for widening participation etc