The Student Room Group

Uni of Chester and uni of linclon

Is anyone studying law at these universities? I've been offered a place in clearing for law for both since my firm and insurance both rejected me. If anyone has any insight on what it's like, I'd be very grateful.
Original post by Liwia1821
Is anyone studying law at these universities? I've been offered a place in clearing for law for both since my firm and insurance both rejected me. If anyone has any insight on what it's like, I'd be very grateful.

Hi there,

I don't study law, but I do go to the University of Chester, so hopefully I can help you a little!

Have you tried using our Chat to a Student feature? I'd recommend that you search for law students on here, as they can answer any specific course-related questions you have.

From this, comparing the courses is a good place to start. What modules are offered? How are you assessed? How will each course support you to your next step? What kind of extra opportunities (study abroad, placements, work experience) does each course offer? Here at Chester, we offer a Work Based Learning module, where you undertake a work placement and have the brilliant opportunity of getting some experience under your belt!

Aside from the course, it is also important to consider the university overall and the area. Are there sports, societies, and volunteering opportunities for you? Does the city appeal to you? Could you see yourself living here for 3+ years?

Congratulations on being offered a place for both of these universities, that is a fantastic achievement. I hope this helps you to come a little closer to your decision, and please don't hesitate to reply if you have any questions! 🙂

Geography with a Year Abroad Student

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