The Student Room Group

How to cancel a clearing choice/add another ASAP

I'm having a dilemma, as I've sent an application for coventry via clearing and waiting on a response. In the meantime aston offered me a spot via email, and asked that I apply before 12pm today to guarantee a place. However, I'm unable to decline the coventry pending application, so I can't add aston as a choice at the moment.

I've contacted aston, coventry and ucas via email detailing this, but I'm just not sure an email will reach in time. Thus, I'll try to call up coventry to decline my application, as well as ucas and aston to keep them in the loop. What else is there that I can possible do, is there a rep for any of the respective three bodies here on TSR that could possibly do anything further or accelerate this process?

I'd be very grateful for any sort of help. I hope results day and the clearing process is going well for everyone involved :smile:
Original post by Sine.
I'm having a dilemma, as I've sent an application for coventry via clearing and waiting on a response. In the meantime aston offered me a spot via email, and asked that I apply before 12pm today to guarantee a place. However, I'm unable to decline the coventry pending application, so I can't add aston as a choice at the moment.

I've contacted aston, coventry and ucas via email detailing this, but I'm just not sure an email will reach in time. Thus, I'll try to call up coventry to decline my application, as well as ucas and aston to keep them in the loop. What else is there that I can possible do, is there a rep for any of the respective three bodies here on TSR that could possibly do anything further or accelerate this process?

I'd be very grateful for any sort of help. I hope results day and the clearing process is going well for everyone involved :smile:

You’ve done all you can. Ring today and ask aston to extend the deadline and coventry to make a decision asap
Reply 2
You’ve done all you can. Ring today and ask aston to extend the deadline and coventry to make a decision asap

Thanks a bunch, I guess I’ll hedge the rest of my luck on the phone calls knowing that’s all I can do.

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