Get a part-time job - If you think you can manage it with academics, it is a great idea to get a part-time job. Personally, I found working 10 hours per week during my first year to be manageable. There are plenty of opportunities to work on-campus and for the Students' Union. These jobs are most preferable as they are flexible and convenient. I worked as a Student ambassador during my first year and it was the best way to meet new people and have fun, all while earning money!
Student discounts apps and accounts - Download apps like Unidays and Student Beans and always check for student discount before making a purchase. Many big brands and restaurants offer some exciting student discounts and deals which have helped me save a lot of money.
Railcard - Most university students travel a lot, either to visit home or go out with friends. A railcard is usually worth it in the end.
Get a part-time job - If you think you can manage it with academics, it is a great idea to get a part-time job. Personally, I found working 10 hours per week during my first year to be manageable. There are plenty of opportunities to work on-campus or for the Students' Union. These jobs are most preferable as they are flexible and convenient.
Student discounts apps and accounts - Download apps like Unidays and Student Beans and always check for student discount before making a purchase. Many big brands and restaurants offer some exciting student discounts and deals which have helped me save a lot of money.
Railcard - Most university students travel a lot, either to visit home or go out with friends. A railcard is usually worth it in the end.
Last reply 5 days ago
1st Years: what's been your biggest challenge of university so far?Last reply 1 month ago
about to start uni and I can't bear to live with my failure18