The Student Room Group

Phone Restrictions

Ok so I dont know if anyone has as much restrictions as I do on my phone, but its bad. I am a military kid so my parents are SO FREAKIN RESTRICTIVE on, like, everything. I cant use my phone or computer past a certain time at night and I HAVE A BED TIME. Me and my siblings are going on 16 and 17 and we still don't have any social media and are barely trusted to have a sleepover. I don't know if you guys can do anything but maybe any of you have suggestions on how to deal with it.
Reply 1
Original post by Anonymous
Ok so I dont know if anyone has as much restrictions as I do on my phone, but its bad. I am a military kid so my parents are SO FREAKIN RESTRICTIVE on, like, everything. I cant use my phone or computer past a certain time at night and I HAVE A BED TIME. Me and my siblings are going on 16 and 17 and we still don't have any social media and are barely trusted to have a sleepover. I don't know if you guys can do anything but maybe any of you have suggestions on how to deal with it.

i'm 16 and dont even have a phone. my advice is to frankly suck it up- when you are 18 or move out you can do whatever you want.
i’ve been there i get it

If you really want social media that badly, there’s some you can use exclusively on your browser rather than having an app. They have limited availability but it’s still something; twitter/x, instagram, discord (works mostly the same), tumblr (works mostly the same). I’m 17 and parents still iffy about social media so just don’t connect your phone number / main email to any of them so they won’t be notified that you have them. Obviously don’t tell them if you have them, and logout once you’re done if it’s that big of an issue.

Screentime (if on iPhone) can be turned off if you know the passcode. For other phones it’s best looking up a guide because i don’t think i can really advise on that i’m sorry. Most restrictions can be bypassed if you know the way, it’s best just trying to figure out how to get past certain things.

I’m 17 and i can’t have any apps on my phone from both restrictions and my phone being ****ed so i get what it’s like, but there’s always ways to bypass it

No sleepovers is really unfair i’m sorry :/, like previous poster said you might just have to wait till you’re 18 for them
(edited 5 months ago)
Reply 3
Original post by Anonymous
Ok so I dont know if anyone has as much restrictions as I do on my phone, but its bad. I am a military kid so my parents are SO FREAKIN RESTRICTIVE on, like, everything. I cant use my phone or computer past a certain time at night and I HAVE A BED TIME. Me and my siblings are going on 16 and 17 and we still don't have any social media and are barely trusted to have a sleepover. I don't know if you guys can do anything but maybe any of you have suggestions on how to deal with it.

Try talking to your parents. If it's only one parent in the military then talk to the other one as they're more likely to understand. If they're both in the military then talk to them when they're in a good mood and have an honest and CALM conversation. Sometimes talking is the best solution.
Reply 4
ya I actually tried talking to them 😓
Reply 5
Original post by Anonymous
ya I actually tried talking to them 😓

How did that go
Reply 6
Original post by Anonymous
Ok so I dont know if anyone has as much restrictions as I do on my phone, but its bad. I am a military kid so my parents are SO FREAKIN RESTRICTIVE on, like, everything. I cant use my phone or computer past a certain time at night and I HAVE A BED TIME. Me and my siblings are going on 16 and 17 and we still don't have any social media and are barely trusted to have a sleepover. I don't know if you guys can do anything but maybe any of you have suggestions on how to deal with it.

mate, I feel the same pain, Im from military family too, my dad wont even let me hang out with my pals over the weekends or have a girlfriend

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