The Student Room Group

Psychology and music degree (help!)

Hi! I’m really keen to find a course that allows me to create psychology and music degree (I have seen Liverpool hopes one however it isn’t somwhere I can see myself) so I was wondering if there were any other universities that allow you to combine two subjects of your choosing (something like exeters combined flexible honours, the only reason I’m not looking at that is because it offers neither music or psychology) Please be kind 😊
Original post by Anonymous
Hi! I’m really keen to find a course that allows me to create psychology and music degree (I have seen Liverpool hopes one however it isn’t somwhere I can see myself) so I was wondering if there were any other universities that allow you to combine two subjects of your choosing (something like exeters combined flexible honours, the only reason I’m not looking at that is because it offers neither music or psychology) Please be kind 😊

Hi there!

I would definitely read about our course and if it really interests you you could always attend one of our Open Days to see how you feel about us as a University. You will be able to talk to current students and staff about their experiences etc and how they feel about Liverpool Hope and Liverpool in general.

I couldn't see myself moving all the way to Liverpool from Suffolk but it was one of the best decisions I have ever made!

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!
Daisy- Graduate Advocate🙂
Original post by Anonymous
Hi! I’m really keen to find a course that allows me to create psychology and music degree (I have seen Liverpool hopes one however it isn’t somwhere I can see myself) so I was wondering if there were any other universities that allow you to combine two subjects of your choosing (something like exeters combined flexible honours, the only reason I’m not looking at that is because it offers neither music or psychology) Please be kind 😊

Hi there!

Make sure that the course you choose is BPS (British Psychological Society) accredited if you want to one day practise psychology - you need this accreditation for the psychology half of your course, as without it you aren't eligible for Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) with the BPS, which can make it very difficult to become a chartered psychologist (practise psychology professionally). You can read more about this here: BPS Accreditation. Typically psychology combined honours include similar subjects, such as biology or criminology, to keep this accreditation.

I've had a quick search for you on UCAS, and there are some degrees that have joint honours, allowing you to study both - just double check they're accredited. UCAS is a really useful tool for finding courses, you can filter the search results to certain areas, entry requirements, etc. Have a look on this link and see if any of these options would work for you: UCAS Website.

I hope this helped! I study psychology so feel free to reply to this thread if you have any other questions!
-Kiera (Student Ambassador)😀
Reply 3
Original post by YSJstudents
Hi there!
Make sure that the course you choose is BPS (British Psychological Society) accredited if you want to one day practise psychology - you need this accreditation for the psychology half of your course, as without it you aren't eligible for Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) with the BPS, which can make it very difficult to become a chartered psychologist (practise psychology professionally). You can read more about this here: BPS Accreditation. Typically psychology combined honours include similar subjects, such as biology or criminology, to keep this accreditation.
I've had a quick search for you on UCAS, and there are some degrees that have joint honours, allowing you to study both - just double check they're accredited. UCAS is a really useful tool for finding courses, you can filter the search results to certain areas, entry requirements, etc. Have a look on this link and see if any of these options would work for you: UCAS Website.
I hope this helped! I study psychology so feel free to reply to this thread if you have any other questions!
-Kiera (Student Ambassador)😀

This is so helpful thankyou, I do know q few people doing a conversion masters for psychology if their degree isnt accredited so that’s always a good option I’ll have a loook now once again this helped me so much especially the ucas search I didn’t know you could do that!

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