The Student Room Group

Biggest Year 13 Mistakes?

I’m starting my final year in September and am doing 3 essay subjects at A-level, I have already finished my EPQ

What are some of the biggest regrets you have after year 13? What advice would you give yourself from a year ago?
This is probably going to be something you hear a lot, but my one advice would be to not be complacent. Don't sit back and expect those grades to just come to you. Start revising from the beginning of year, an hour per subject a day if possible. Go over what you did that lesson, and if you have time, try to do some reading befire hand on the content just to have an idea about it before you officially learn it at school. This helps you in the long term as you're not stuck cramming a lot of information right before exams. Instead you would be going over stuff you know you find difficult, or going straight into exam practice instead of being stuck still learning the content.

Most importantly, don't burn yourself out. I know it might seem difficult at times, there is a lot to do and not much time to do it in, but try to manage your time so that it allows you to take breaks im between. Your health is just as, if not even more important, than good grades. Just don't let it be an excuse to constantly stop studying/revising.

Good luck with your exams and make sure to enjoy your time in year 13 and with your friends!

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