I decided to take 4 A-Levels in rs, history, lit and spanish but most people at my school take 3.
The workload was too much and my mock results reflected that. My mental health was poor due to friendship issues, family and exam pressures (I got BBCE) I'm just frustrated that I couldn't put all of that aside. I also had a panic attack in an in-class assessment and a resit which I ran out of time on which I'm still thinking about because I'm really embarrassed.
In a previous mock I got AABC.
My head of year spoke to me about dropping and I've decided to drop spanish (my lowest grade.)
But that means that I'll have to do an EPQ and everyone else has had a year to do it.
Please can someone give me some reassurance on what the workload of an EPQ is like; I'm just worried as I'm also making an application to Oxford as well.
Is it a stretch that I'm applying? I've written numerous history essays at the beginning of the year that got 18/20 and it's only towards the end of the year that my grades have fallen. The last essay I wrote in class got 7/20 and I feel guilty about it because my teacher still predicted me an A after my low result.
I had a similar situation at GCSE where I found the first year hard (not in terms of the academic transition but more in workload, time-management and wellbeing.)
Thank you for reading all of this.