The Student Room Group

Year 9 English Tutoring

Hi all
I've recently started tutoring a Year 9 for English, I presumed I'd start GCSE content with them but this isn't part of their school's syllabus. Does anybody know of any free/paid, good resources that I can use (worksheets, powerpoints, videos) that I can use to get an idea of what I should be doing with them or can someone qualified let me know what I should be doing (my only qualification really is doing really well in my GCSEs - 9s in English - and having experience teaching younger children I know)? I'd really appreciate any help, thank you!
Reply 1
Ask them what texts they are doing - these vary from school to school.
Ask them also what exam board their school uses at GCSE - this will give you an idea of the long-term goals.
Also ask them: what are their strengths and weaknesses generally? They may have some idea.
A recent piece of marked work from their teacher would be useful for them to look at so you can see what needs to be improved.

Once you know the exam board you can also use exercises from past papers to determine further strengths and weaknesses. These can be found on the exam board website and via other less legal websites 😉

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