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Economics bSc without A level maths?!


This post is aimed at those studying economics at university who are willing to give me some word of advice

I picked Economics bSc and got accepted with B C E (B in economics C in biology E in chemistry) Through clearing

As you may have picked up, I didn’t study maths at a level and got a 6 in maths GCSEs, and I’ll be honest I’m not that good at maths.

My question is will I struggle in economics at uni or will I be fine or should I rethink my option??

Original post by sahat1
This post is aimed at those studying economics at university who are willing to give me some word of advice
I picked Economics bSc and got accepted with B C E (B in economics C in biology E in chemistry) Through clearing
As you may have picked up, I didn’t study maths at a level and got a 6 in maths GCSEs, and I’ll be honest I’m not that good at maths.
My question is will I struggle in economics at uni or will I be fine or should I rethink my option??

Hiya! I'm now in my final year of en economics degree equivalent to a BSc. In my opinion, you will probably find the first year difficult, but if you work hard then you can definitely catch up and be on equal footing with everyone else.

It would be a good idea to do some learning/revision before starting your degree. The key maths topics to cover would be: Algebra, Calculus (both differentiation and integration), and set theory (open, closed, convex, complete, etc.). If you can gain a solid understanding of this then you will be just fine.

You will also be doing some stats, but you should be taught most of this from the beginning (they don't assume as much knowledge).

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