The Student Room Group

scared I'm going to fail resit

I attend Aston university studying Biomedical science in my first year . I have passed every single module ( 66%, 68%, 60%, 58%) but on one module, even though I got above 40% for my module, hence I passed it, I got less than 40% for the exam as it was compulsory to pass for accreditation purposes, so I have to resit it tmw. Problem is, idk if I'm gonna pass it cos I haven't had the chance to revise much. I know this is my fault, but I have SEVERE anemia ( 5% iron storage, ferritin of 3 when it should be in the triple digits, and other severe anemia stuff) as well as severe vitamin D deficiency ( 8nmol/L when it should be at least 50-100+), so I was so exhausted I could barely revise and concentrate. I got supplements recently. I also have a balance disorder that affects my concentration and makes me feel like I'm tipping over, I take meds for this but they are taking a while to work. I have just been cramming, hoping to get 40% as it is a capped resit. There's so much content and I've only revised half of it and the exam is day after tmw, so I'm gonna do 10-12 hours tmw to cram. If I fail this exam, will I be allowed to progress onto 2nd year, because I have technically passed every module, except the one with the compulsory to pass exam, and be allowed to resit in January in 2nd year ( we have 3 attempts, this is my 2nd attempt to pass) or will I have to repeat the entire first year? I really don't want to repeat the entire first year, I put so much effort in and got 85-90% on my courseworks etc, and my mom will be really angry at me and I will be so depressed if I have to repeat first year. Please someone answer and ease my anxiety.

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