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Big 4 firms prefer degree or uni?

Do the Big 4 firms (of investment banking) prefer the uni or the degree?
I thought big 4 was for accounting/professional services, not investment banking? But in general for investment banking I believe the uni matters more than the degree. I've been told the main targets are lse, oxbridge, imperial, ucl and warwick, but there are also semi-targets. You don't need to have studied maths, economics or anything like that to be an investment banker (although I think most people have).
(edited 3 weeks ago)
Reply 2
Sorry yeah I meant big 4 in accounting. Well I’m in a sticky one as I could do PPE at Lancaster uni or sociology and criminology at Warwick, and I’m not sure what to do?
Original post by Usman009
Sorry yeah I meant big 4 in accounting. Well I’m in a sticky one as I could do PPE at Lancaster uni or sociology and criminology at Warwick, and I’m not sure what to do?

Hi @Usman009
While I'm not too sure on the Big 4 firms connections exactly myself but Lancaster University has a lot of connections with different companies, if you're considering a potential placement year/ year in industry during your degree the careers team offers you a lot of support in finding companies to connect with during that year.

The careers team also host lots of in person and online events to connect you with employers and help you to gain skills and knowledge that would help in your career prospects during your time at University, and after it.

Student Ambassador
Reply 4
Hi - for most (all?) service lines big 4 firms don’t consider university.

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