The Student Room Group

Kings Econ degree

do u think that kings econ degree is good for finance/consulting or shall I take a gap year reapply to lse cos I missed my UCL offer 🥲
(edited 4 weeks ago)
Hi this has been moved out into its own thread in the investment banking forum :smile: You should hopefully be able to get some more targeted advice here!

Generally I think KCL is considered a semi-target, bear in mind that for investment banking and management consulting which degree you do is not generally important as I understand. So if you would be happy studying another course at a target uni that isn't economics that may be worth considering?

If you're mainly interested in studying economics academically aside from the investment banking or management consulting goals (and or other finance areas, which I think often are less fussed about target uni vs non-target uni) then it's really up to you, although I'd note the KCL economics programme is pretty young (it's only been offered as a single honours degree for about 5 years and previously was just offered through political economy or management) so in terms of academic outlook it may not be strongest economics course available relative to the entry criteria I suspect...?

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