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Help with sociology

Has anyone got any revision resources i can use to help improve my predicted grades? I’m currently predicted a C in sociology and i want A in the final exams or y13 mocks. does anyone have any revision methods which can help do this.
Reply 1
Hi I just finished my A levels and got an A in sociology! My tips to help you improve in sociology would be to incorporate a lot of active recall in your revision. For example using flashcards for key sociologists and using the blurting method really helped me. Make sure your really familiar with the A01 knowledge and have at least 3-4 sociologists memorised for both topics and make sure some of the sociologists key concepts you memorise can be applied for supporting and against arguments made in your essay. Familiarise your self with A03 analysis and evaluation I.e. why is the argument you are presenting a strength/weakness go into detail whilst still making sure you are answering the question and not going off track making synoptic links across topics will help you get that A/A star and lastly examiners like when you bring in A02 application (real life examples) to support your argument as it shows that you go above and beyond and lastly make sure you have a decent essay structure. My teacher taught me the PEEEL method and just making sure you stick to the structure you have been taught and lastly the most important thing is doing a lot of exam questions in times conditions and getting them marked by your teachers every week will help you massively! Tutor2u has really good videos on YouTube with learning and revision.
Reply 2
Original post by aishah14x
Hi I just finished my A levels and got an A in sociology! My tips to help you improve in sociology would be to incorporate a lot of active recall in your revision. For example using flashcards for key sociologists and using the blurting method really helped me. Make sure your really familiar with the A01 knowledge and have at least 3-4 sociologists memorised for both topics and make sure some of the sociologists key concepts you memorise can be applied for supporting and against arguments made in your essay. Familiarise your self with A03 analysis and evaluation I.e. why is the argument you are presenting a strength/weakness go into detail whilst still making sure you are answering the question and not going off track making synoptic links across topics will help you get that A/A star and lastly examiners like when you bring in A02 application (real life examples) to support your argument as it shows that you go above and beyond and lastly make sure you have a decent essay structure. My teacher taught me the PEEEL method and just making sure you stick to the structure you have been taught and lastly the most important thing is doing a lot of exam questions in times conditions and getting them marked by your teachers every week will help you massively! Tutor2u has really good videos on YouTube with learning and revision.

What did you do to learn exam structure because thats what i really struggle with. I get confused on when theres and item and how you should use that item in your answer ext

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