@DaydreamingTeen A foundation year has lots of pros - it can help you access a degree course, you can develop your knowledge of a subject much more before starting your degree, and it can help transition you to uni life. So there are lots of perks to completing one.
It does mean an additional year in education, which may add more to your finances towards higher education, like you say. I don't think completing a foundation year would be a waster of your time and money, but you need to think about is it something you definitely want. It is an extra year in education, but regarding your education, it will benefit you and help you move onto your course.
I also appreciate that the thought of an extra year you weren't really expecting can feel like so much more time added on to your studies. I did a foundation and I found it actually boosted mely confidence in my subject and I enjoyed having a year of education that wasn't as pressured by exams or my degree.
Have you researched into the other courses you've mentioned or any other courses available for biochemistry at other unis? I think it would help to have a look and then this might help you decide as you can determine if there's a better option out there for you instead.
If you're sure you want to go straight to first year, it might be worth checking for other biochem subjects available in Clearing, but I would do this sooner rather than later to give yourself as much time to prepare for September as possible.
I hope you can get to a decision and remember that there isn't a wrong answer necessarily, but it's down to what you feel more comfortable and able to complete.
All the best. 🙂
Student Rep at BCU