The Student Room Group

Mpharm at Nottingham :)

Going into Notts in September and I'm kinda scared since idk anyone going 😭 If anyones feeling the same way lmk!
(edited 5 months ago)
Original post by jsjse
Going into Notts in September and I'm kinda scared about making friends since I'm more on the introverted side 😭 I'll be doing pharmacy so if anyones feeling the same way lmk!

Hi @jsjse!

Starting at university can be stressful. Don't feel pressured to be social all the time. In fact, It is fine if you do not want to go out with your new friends every night of the week. No one should feel obligated to spend all their time with others if they are not comfortable doing so.

My top tip is to find a quiet place on campus to study or just think (the George Green Library, Wollaton Park perhaps?). If you live in university halls, try moving your bed away from the wall and facing away from your roommate's bed. That will make you concentrate without being distracted by noise from outside or others in the room.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us!

All the best,
Honestly I’m same I’m starting second year I study at Wolverhampton

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