Well, keep in mind that Malcolm X evolved his political opinions. There is really a pre-Mecca visit Malcolm X and a post-Mecca visit Malcolm X.
The Pre-Mecca Malcolm X was all for racial division, isolationism, and black militarism and was very against integration.
Post-Mecca Malcolm X took a more nuanced view of racial integration and believed in racial equality and integration—a complete Ideological shift.
So it depends on when in his political career you decide to look at him. I would say earlier Malcolm X was a dangerous, knee-jerk, idiotic malcontent. A fool, blinded and driven by rage, who came up with racist, bigoted, simplistic solutions to incredibly complex problems. He failed to see the big picture and was very ego-centric in his politics.
After he parted ways with the Nation of Islam and the teachings of Elijah Muhammad and started thinking outside the confines of the ideological cult, he became a far more enlightened and sensible individual. He sought to reach out to the likes of Martin Luther King Jr. and started to synchronise his rhetoric with the more moderate, reconciliatory arm of the civil rights movement. Unfortunately, his life was cut short, but it was clear he was maturing and evolving his ideology away from the militaristic, racial segregation model that he first exposed and gained him notoriety.