The Student Room Group

3 years residency - Postgraduate Loan


Hope you are well.

While applying for the Postgraduate Loan online there was a question asking:

“Will you have lived in the UK for 3 years or more immediately prior to 1 September 2024?”

I am an EU student and have been living in the UK for longer than three years while doing my undergraduate degree in England. So I would answer “Yes” to this question, but then I was also asked not to include periods of:

“• any temporary accommodation you may have stayed in while living away from home

halls of residence or temporary student accommodation”

Should I not include those while assessing the length of my residency in the UK, or should I just not include those while writing down the residency history from the past three years? I’m not really sure how to feel about it, because my parents live outside the UK, so the only home I had in England was the room in the shared house I was renting. Do I just report that address as my permanent address as that’s the only English address I have?

Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you!
Hi Viv1988,

Do you have a permanent address in the UK that is not student accommodation?

Reply 2
Hi there!

I would consider my student accommodation my permanent address, since that was the only UK address I had until now. I'm currently living with my boyfriend at his address, and again that's the only address in the UK I have at the moment. My parents live outside of the UK.

Thank you!
Hi Viv. You will be eligible based on the residency you outlined above. For this application question, I would include these addresses in both the residency question and for the address history if this was your only address as this will show that you are eligible as you were living in the UK. Thanks, David

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