don't take psychology: lots of content, too much to remember and not as interesting as i thought - as someone who got eight 9's at gcse and is very much struggling with the amount of content.. take this seriously (i wish someone told me this a year ago help!)
english is a slay subject most of the reading is interesting and if it isn't, the teachers make it interesting through their enthusiasm for the subject. only caveat: grade boundaries are super high (187/200 for an a* based on this years a-level results) so you've gotta put in the work if you want a good grade
law is straightforward in terms of following a structure and memorising information. pretty easy a-level (if you stay on top of it) but i have a feeling its not gonna set me up too well for degree level law, so if you end up back wanting to study law at university in a few years you'd probably be better off NOT choosing law now
you can always change early in the year or retake a year, so whatever you pick now isn't final. research the subjects your college offers and go with what you think you can see yourself sticking with when it gets tough (aka year 13 when you've gotta put in the most work). if you make the wrong decision, try change it within the first few weeks or resit a year
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