I started with doing an Anki deck for abt 20mins that my teacher recommended me for Physics(He says I should make a deck of the past paper questions I get wrong with the model answers). Lmk if this sounds useful?
Then I attempted an Engaa past paper for around 30mins(2017 Section 2), however doing it made me realise that I've kinda just straight up forgotten some physics topics so I definitely need to review them ASAP(it was Waves and Diffraction questions and Materials stuff but there's probably more topics I should review)
I marked some Stats questions that I did previously in maths on Hypothesis testing and Probability
And I tried to do a full Maths A Level paper but same as Physics I felt like I really forgot some topics and it was too late so I didn't end up finishing it.
I'm feeling a bit worried about how it feels like I've fully just forgotten some topics but hopefully with some reviews I should be alright with them. Also wanted to ask if anyone has opinions on when you should mark practice questions/past papers you've done. One of my teachers reaaaaalllly recommended doing it the next day which I've been trying, though I haven't really seen much benefit of it and sometimes I just end up leaving the marking for too long to the point where I've forgotten abt doing the question. Do other people just mark their work straight after completing it?
Last reply 1 day ago
Edexcel A Level Mathematics Paper 1 (9MA0 01) - 4th June 2024 [Exam Chat]553
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