I'm hoping someone can help, I'm in full meltdown and can't think straight.
My daughter did 1 and half years at uni, she had a mental breakdown with panic attacks and unable to leave the house.
We have spent the last year working on her mental health and she is now medicated and awaiting ASD assessment.
She was advised by her uni she could defer for a year and come back.
She is feeling well enough to return but wanted to start a new course because she felt she had lost touch on her skills. She got a place on a new course and applied for student finance. This came through yesterday with £0 for tuition.
From my research it seems they will not loan the money for tuition for this course (or any) even though it's repayable.
I don't know what to do, I can't fink 9k.
Please help 🙏🏼