so the first time i did my a levels i got CDE (psych, bio, chem) and then i retook them this summer and i got A*AA and my gcse grades are (8,6,6,6,6,6,6,5,5,5) but i retook gcse maths again and i went from grade 5 to grade 8.
i am supposed to start biochemistry at uni in september but i want to do dentistry afterwards.
i could just do ucat this year and apply to normal undergrad dentistry but my first set of a levels were rlly bad and most dental schools accept resits but they want you to get ABB-BBB at your first go.
so if i end up with 2:1 degree and i apply with those stats, would i stand a chance at dentistry (assuming i do alright at ucat since i have quite a long time to revise)