So long and short of it is that I ****ed up. Badly. When making firm and insurance choices, I had Exeter and another university as pretty much equal, but the other one had higher entry requirements so I put that as first. Over the course of time, I did more research and decided I prefer Exeter, but I'd see what to do on results day.
Come results day and I get into my 'first' choice and see that means I've automatically declined Exeter. At the time I was just so glad to get in anywhere I decided I'd just accept it, move on and try and make the best of it as I doubted it'd end up being bad. Had doubts about doing that but I doubted my doubts and decided to not talk with the people in my school when I could've.
And now I had some stuff happen to me that's reinforced I want to go to Exeter instead of there, but I don't see any way out at all. My school's now properly broken up so I have no-one to contact there and I'm not sure who to contact at Exeter, and even if changing is possible now that I see accomodation is being allocated and I have disability needs that would need to be met so I'm not sure I'd be able to get what I'd need. Or even how I would communicate this with the university I'm currently set to join if this ended up happening. And I'm not even sure how I'd go about this which is I guess the reason I'm posting here.
I'm just extremely worried I messed up by waiting too long.