I am a 23 year old guy living in Bangalore in India but born in Siliguri in West Bengal in India and currently studying MBA. After being shy near girls for many years, I am finally initiating conversations with girls in my University where I study MBA. But there is this girl (lets call her R) who is in the same year of MBA as me but in different classrooms with whom I started talking 4 days ago and we had a good conversation while going to University walking after getting down on bus stop and then again while going home and she even let me under her umbrella as it was raining. We also had brief conversations in University yesterday and today but she soon gets accompanied by her friends and our conversation ends. She is a North Indian girl from the city Lucknow and I am a Bengali guy and I find her attractive because she is beautiful and so confident while talking. Today I asked R her Instagram so we can follow each other but she replied "I don't use Instagram" so I replied Oh Okay and then she got accompanied by her friends. I was overthinking whether she was lying because she is within 22-24 age range and its hard to believe someone her age not having an Instagram. We are in the same University and same year and just different classrooms so idk why she would lie as I am not some random stranger asking her Instagram. I was feeling sad and insecure because I already look nerdy in my glasses and my new haircut makes me look really bad as I have a few pimples on my forehead even at 23 and due to shorter hair, I am unable to hide the pimples so I am worried that whether she lied and didn't want to share it. I am already having a crush on her even though we only talked for 3 days. I also talk with another girl(lets call her D) who is my junior who is in 1st year of MBA and I just entered 2nd year and we do have better conversations and we even added each other on Instagram but after the haircut on Sunday I am worried whether I am looking good enough as she is really pretty too plus she is a pure vegetarian Punjabi girl whereas I am a Bengali who eats chicken, mutton, lamb and even pork so idk whether she would feel comfortable with me even though she respected my dietary choices but idk where I will take her to for eating in future even though we only had been talking for 5 days and I already like her too. I just never had a gf before and I worry a lot and I am talking with several girls just to keep more options because recently I didn't have much luck with my previous crushes.