So the small angle approximation for sin(x) is just x, but this only works in radians, but I never thought too hard about what this means about the gradient of the function in degrees.
so if youre working in radians (_r), the derivative of sin(x)_r is cos(x)_r, and so the gradient at x= 0, is just one, but in degrees (_d), at x = 0, the gradient of sin(x)_d is pi/180 (which is why the small angle approx doesnt work in degrees).
But it gets weird if you work in degrees, as the derivative of sin(x)_d = pi/180* cos(x)_d -> (which I dont really know how to prove, I thought it would be simple chain rule, but that gave me the wrong answer, so my only logic is the degrees graph is more stretched out (by factor of 180/pi, so it has a 180/pi more stretched out gradient).
Also, I have never really seen this being asked before in tests or covered in my syllabus for maths -> if a question asks you to give the derivative of sin(x), and theyre working in degrees, does that mean you give cos(x) or the other one?