Here are my results!
Math - 9 (expected, proud of)
Further Math - 7 (slightly expected, happy with)
Physics - 8 (unexpected, happy with)
Biology - 7 (unexpected, happy with)
Chemistry - 8 (slightly expected, happy with)
History - 8 (expected, proud of)
Spanish - 7 (unexpected, pretty proud of)
Art - 7 (expected, proud of)
Computer Science - 7 (unexpected, happy with)
English Language - 6 (really unexpected, wtf happened???)
English Literature - 5 (expected, eh.)
Overall I did worse than I expected, but I'm otherwise happy with my results (◍•ᴗ•◍) didn't do anything special, but I got to relax which is good ^u^
I'm getting CS, biology and English Language remarked as I'm 2 marks off an 8 for bio and CS, and I genuinely want to know what went wrong with English Language...