The Student Room Group

Greenwich university or Kingston University

I applied for computer science with artificial intelligence to greenwich and kingston but i’m not sure which one to pic, which one would you recommend me and if you are a student in one of the universities how is the teaching?
Original post by Dhhshwu
I applied for computer science with artificial intelligence to greenwich and kingston but i’m not sure which one to pic, which one would you recommend me and if you are a student in one of the universities how is the teaching?

Heya @Dhhshwu

First Congratulations on your offers, Both are renowned universities.

As i am a Kingston Student, i can tell you from experience that Kingston has remarkable supper supporting faculties. To talk about facts about your course, there are a few things one should consider before making a choice. 1. ranking 2. accredations 3. course work 4. Job skills 5. academic support and lastly 6. career oppurtunity


Kingston University is ranked No. 5 in London for Computer Science and Information Systems (The Guardian University Guide 2024).


It is Accredated by BCS IT.


Kinsgton offers a sandwich year, which means a paid internship after your first/second year.


Kingston teaches Employability enhancing future skills read more about it here -


There are numerous academic supports for example having personal tutors, different workshops for assignment writing, by the acadmeic skills center.


Kinsgton as a career center to assist you with you CV and Cover letters, many of the kingston CS graduates work as User experience designer,Data Analyst,Security analysis,Business intelligence analysts, in the industry.

Hope this helps in the decision making, Feel free to ask any more questions.

Best wishes,
(Kingston Student Rep)

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