I know this contradicts a lot of advice on here, but, as a teacher actually told me, don't pick your a levels according to the uni course/apprenticeship you want to do, but rather pick your uni course/apprenticeship based on the a levels you want to do. If a course you want to do requires an a level you don't like, maybe that course isn't for you - there is a reason they require you to have studied that a level after all. I understand you're having trouble telling whether you really enjoy the subject itself or not, and I'd recommend chatting to your teachers about it. Maybe have a look over the A level course syllabi and see if they interest you? Please don't get me wrong - it is important your choices work well together in that you have options after a levels, but don't choose them simply to meet the requirements for what you think you want to do.
Sorry for the long post 😀