The Student Room Group

how to handle parents + septum piercing

this is going to be a little long, sorry.

i turned eighteen two months ago, and last week i went out with a friend and got my septum pierced. while the day of the piercing was very impulsive, i have wanted my septum pierced since i was twelve, and told myself i’d get one once i turned eighteen.
my parents just found out about it, a week later, because i’ve been flipping it up at home and hiding it, but i got careless and had it down today. my mother freaked out and told my dad, and they got so mad. my parents are the type to go berserk over henna, which is temporary, so they were so angry about this.
they started yelling at me that i was “ruining my life” and that i “shouldn’t bother going to college if this is what [i’m] going to do with [my] life.” they kept saying i’d never find a good job if i have a septum piercing.

i’m really scared and i don’t know what to do.
(edited 1 month ago)
Reply 1
Do nothing. You are eighteen. Weather the storm and aim high in your life and your studies. Work as hard as you can because there will never be a better time to max your study and your grades without distractions (other than dodging parental disapproval) Joking aside they mean well, and far better they really care for you and your prospects in life. Which is far better than not caring and allowing you to live feral!

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