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Low medify mock scores

I’m panicking !
Been practicing for the UCAT exam now for 2 months. I done lots of practice, all the mini mocks and always going over the mistakes and the questions that I had no time to answer. Been doing 10 full mocks in medify by now and they all arrange between 2450 to 2580. I also got medentery and i done 9 full mocks there and im getting between 2720 to 3010.
I don’t know what to think. I don’t trust the score I'm getting on medentery and i am so worried that the medify scores are accurate and i end up getting very low ucat score.
I had all 9s in my GCSEs and I'm predicted 4A* , I have done my math A level in year 12 and I got A* so I feel so scared that I might not even be able to apply for medicine this year if my ucat score will be low even tho my grades are ok. Please tell me if anyone has been in same situation but still got decent score ?
Or still got in with good grades but low ucat score?
Been looking to apply to Ucl , Kings,St George’s and Cambridge but now I think I need to totally change my plans as you probably need very high ucat to apply to those universities, St. George’s maybe not as high but still.
Reply 1
Original post by Daivy
I’m panicking !
Been practicing for the UCAT exam now for 2 months. I done lots of practice, all the mini mocks and always going over the mistakes and the questions that I had no time to answer. Been doing 10 full mocks in medify by now and they all arrange between 2450 to 2580. I also got medentery and i done 9 full mocks there and im getting between 2720 to 3010.
I don’t know what to think. I don’t trust the score I'm getting on medentery and i am so worried that the medify scores are accurate and i end up getting very low ucat score.
I had all 9s in my GCSEs and I'm predicted 4A* , I have done my math A level in year 12 and I got A* so I feel so scared that I might not even be able to apply for medicine this year if my ucat score will be low even tho my grades are ok. Please tell me if anyone has been in same situation but still got decent score ?
Or still got in with good grades but low ucat score?
Been looking to apply to Ucl , Kings,St George’s and Cambridge but now I think I need to totally change my plans as you probably need very high ucat to apply to those universities, St. George’s maybe not as high but still.

I've seen people saying that medify scales down your score quite a bit but I'm not too sure why they do that. Apparently it's because people redo the mocks to get better scores.

Many people, when they use conversion tables or a different website (medentry) or do the actual UCAT exam, see and improvement in their scores as compared to medify. I'd say don't trust the medify score too much, but you seem to be a very hard worker so I'd say you'll be good. When is your UCAT exam?
Reply 2
Original post by gada147
I've seen people saying that medify scales down your score quite a bit but I'm not too sure why they do that. Apparently it's because people redo the mocks to get better scores.
Many people, when they use conversion tables or a different website (medentry) or do the actual UCAT exam, see and improvement in their scores as compared to medify. I'd say don't trust the medify score too much, but you seem to be a very hard worker so I'd say you'll be good. When is your UCAT exam?

My ucat is on the 31st of August , I am doing the ucat website mocks now for next and will carry on doing full mocks and improving my lowest sections. I just don’t get how there can be such a big difference between medify and medentery.
Also I feel like should I just do medify and not think about the low mock scores or do just medentry and have false hope to get higher score as I’m doing ok there.
Reply 3
Original post by Daivy
My ucat is on the 31st of August , I am doing the ucat website mocks now for next and will carry on doing full mocks and improving my lowest sections. I just don’t get how there can be such a big difference between medify and medentery.
Also I feel like should I just do medify and not think about the low mock scores or do just medentry and have false hope to get higher score as I’m doing ok there.

Honestly, any website that suits your revision the most is what you should do. Just make sure to keep using the official website alongside it as it is the most suitable mirror to the actual exam.

People say the AR and DM question banks in particular were the most similar to the actual test. Also I'd say even if you're good at VR, do LOADS of reading practice before the exam because some people got really long VR texts and got low scores because of it.
Reply 4
Original post by gada147
Honestly, any website that suits your revision the most is what you should do. Just make sure to keep using the official website alongside it as it is the most suitable mirror to the actual exam.
People say the AR and DM question banks in particular were the most similar to the actual test. Also I'd say even if you're good at VR, do LOADS of reading practice before the exam because some people got really long VR texts and got low scores because of it.

Thank you so much ! I guess I just need to keep practicing and try not to worry to much.
I found VR as my weakest and maximum I ever got was 680 but mostly my score in VR is 550 + . So I keep doing VR but try to get stronger in other areas and hope to get my score higher this way.
Anyway thank you again for your help
medify often is lower than real ucat score for most ppl. medentry is slightly higher for most too its weird. do official mock c and d as people say their mark in the exam is closest to the ones they got in those 2 mocks!! good luck
Reply 6
Original post by Daivy
My ucat is on the 31st of August , I am doing the ucat website mocks now for next and will carry on doing full mocks and improving my lowest sections. I just don’t get how there can be such a big difference between medify and medentery.
Also I feel like should I just do medify and not think about the low mock scores or do just medentry and have false hope to get higher score as I’m doing ok there.

Hi! I hope your UCAT went well! How did it go? Was it significantly harder than Medify? Do you have any tips or advice? My ucat is in 2 weeks and my scores are not improving, I would really appreciate any advice. Thank you in advance!
Reply 7
Original post by kortizz
Hi! I hope your UCAT went well! How did it go? Was it significantly harder than Medify? Do you have any tips or advice? My ucat is in 2 weeks and my scores are not improving, I would really appreciate any advice. Thank you in advance!

Hi , it was my daughter who was doing the exam and I was asking advice behalf of her
So she was preparing for the exam around 6 weeks , 2 weeks she did mostly untimed mixed with some timed questions. When she start to get 80-100% right in untimed questions she start doing only times questions. One day she didn’t VR and DM and stj and then another day AR and QR and Stj question banks and went over everything after to learn from her mistakes . Then she did all the mini mocks and 3 weeks before her exam she only did mocks. For about 10 days she did 2 mock a day and went over it after. She also did all the questions on the ucat website and the 4 mock there is. So anyway on medify she keep getting between 2450 to 2500 and then at the final week she suddenly got 2860 and 2890 and then a day before her exam she got again 2640 and she was so upset and scared . On medentry she got regularly between 2700 to 2900 and once over 3000. So anyway what we learned is that medify scoring is not at all accurate , you need to use the score converter and there is around 200+ difference in score . So if she scored let’s say 2560 and she use the calculator then the real score was 2790.
On the exam day she panicked so much and she say everything went blank and she could not even read the verbal reasoning text and also the DM but then she just did her best in the rest of the test . She got 2910 and stj band 2. She say the real exam was most close to medentery and AR most close to medify . I would advise you to not panic and try to treat it like another mock. For next 2 weeks try to do just mocks and go over everything she took around 2 h to just go over the mock after she done it . Where you perform the weakest do extra questions and skill training. Please let me know if I could help you with any information. Also don’t worry most do better in real exam and the less you panic on the day the better you do. She wish she didn’t panic as she thinks she would have done better and same time she felt so scared because of her medify scores , it made her feel like she will fail. So please don’t worry too much about your scores if you do medify . Hope this was helpful.

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