The Student Room Group

How did this meeting with her go?

So today I met the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. She is from the same course as me, a year above.
We were just talking for like an hour or something- about our interests, about everything really. She was absolutely fascinating. I really liked her making eye contact, both because I am unusually sensitive to that and also because her irises are shockingly beautiful.
I asked for her phone number, and she seemed a bit nervous and hesitant to give it to me. This was the only thing that unnerved me, as she was just talking so freely and with interest to me beforehand.
I only saw her once in person beforehand and we were just writing emails starting from a week ago.
When I was leaving she asked me to write her something, though. She told me she would see me next week, but I told her I wasn't going to be in. She then said something like' See you in the new academic year- see you around'.
Is everything OK? Or am I overreacting to little stuff? I have been warned about being excessively agitated about the slightest thing in the past.
Reply 1
Sounds like a positive interaction. What was the reason you gave for wanting her number. I suppose there’s a possibility that she’s up for friendship but not romance. Beautiful girls of this ilk are well aware how easy it is to encourage. See how it goes.
Reply 2
Original post by Zarek
Sounds like a positive interaction. What was the reason you gave for wanting her number. I suppose there’s a possibility that she’s up for friendship but not romance. Beautiful girls of this ilk are well aware how easy it is to encourage. See how it goes.

I told her for studies of the course we are on, and then I think I said 'and for talking' in a low voice. By that point she was already giving me her number.
I was nervous about her hesitation until I texted her. We texted quite a bit that evening. (At first for sure), she seemed enthusiastic.
I don't think I am ready for romance myself (despite wanting it so much). So much trauma. I think the next time I'll see her will be in October due to the holidays, maybe that's for the best. But I certainly want a friendship between us.
Sounds like you could have and should have made it a lot more man to woman.

By flirting with her and teasing her. Preferably in a hilariously funny way.
Also, possibly, by arguing with her in a hilariously funny way.
And - depending on your style and personality - by saying "No!" to her a lot - in the context of a non-serious, fooling around vibe.

If she's as good looking as you say she is, she'll have 500 guys per year coming on to her with the "Nice Guy" act.
By doing the same, you're likely to get the same results as most of the other 499 guys.
By doing something different, in the right kinds of ways, you'll elevate your chance to somewhere in the region of 50 50.

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