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Resalt day.English langouge gcse《help》

Guys, I have been studying hard but obviously not effectively because I got grade 3...
I just want to pass or mabe get get grade 5
If any one have any advice on how to improve myslef please help! Any good advice will help so much. Thanks
You can let me know your english lang grade if you want.
Reply 1
Original post by Unknowen
Guys, I have been studying hard but obviously not effectively because I got grade 3...
I just want to pass or mabe get get grade 5
If any one have any advice on how to improve myslef please help! Any good advice will help so much. Thanks
You can let me know your english lang grade if you want.
i got a grade 8 and i just came up with ideas of what i could write for the creative writing tasks and lots of practicing in timed conditions
Reply 2
I managed to get a 9 but honestly with Lang, it's about the number of points you make, which should be a lot. The creative writing is where you need to vary your structure, form and lang techniques so like para length and similes. Also have a fun idea! Idk how I did okay in the non fic so that's anyones guess

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