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gsce english language result super unexpected

Hii there, this might seem kind of like a complaint but I could genuinely do with advice, since year 10 I've been pretty consistent with english, especially lang, and I have pretty steadily remained at a 7,8 and even a 9 at times, anyways I was really really shocked and devastated really to notice I got a 5 😭😭 102 total marks - in mocks I was getting 20+ more , and I'm most likely going to submit for a remark but I genuinely cannot think of where I went wrong, my creative writing preplan was 30-35 marks and I was extremely confident of how I performed, and I want to ask can they lose bits of your exam, or anyway this would be possible because I'm genuinely really shocked it completely brought down my average and I want to do english lit for alevel and my english lang grade counts for it, or just any explanation or anyone who has had a similar experience.

Maybe its just me and maybe I did do that bad?? But I genuinely cannot think of what I did wrong had checking time, wrote full paragraphs etc.

Any advice would be appreciated thankss xx
Maybe ask your school to appeal and have it remarked if you genuinely think you should’ve done better, especially if you’re close to the next grade boundary. They might not let you but it’s worth a shot!

I totally get you, some of my subjects were lowing than I anticipated. I received an 8 and a 9 in my two practical exams for drama, and in my final mock I got 58/60 for the written exam (it was a real past paper so I wouldn’t say it was made easy by my school) so I was pretty confident I’d get an 8/9. But I opened my results and it was a 7. Now I know it’s still an A, but damn was I shocked especially after all the effort I put in.

Anyways, good luck if you get it remarked, and I hope you were happy with the rest of your results!
(edited 3 weeks ago)
Original post by miranda1223
Hii there, this might seem kind of like a complaint but I could genuinely do with advice, since year 10 I've been pretty consistent with english, especially lang, and I have pretty steadily remained at a 7,8 and even a 9 at times, anyways I was really really shocked and devastated really to notice I got a 5 😭😭 102 total marks - in mocks I was getting 20+ more , and I'm most likely going to submit for a remark but I genuinely cannot think of where I went wrong, my creative writing preplan was 30-35 marks and I was extremely confident of how I performed, and I want to ask can they lose bits of your exam, or anyway this would be possible because I'm genuinely really shocked it completely brought down my average and I want to do english lit for alevel and my english lang grade counts for it, or just any explanation or anyone who has had a similar experience.
Maybe its just me and maybe I did do that bad?? But I genuinely cannot think of what I did wrong had checking time, wrote full paragraphs etc.
Any advice would be appreciated thankss xx

Essay subjects can unfortunately be quite hit and miss. It's possible you misread or misunderstood a question title and your essay was slightly on the wrong topic, or something random and unlucky like that.

It's probably worth asking your teacher if they can review your paper first and see if they think you'd benefit from remarking.
Original post by miranda1223
Hii there, this might seem kind of like a complaint but I could genuinely do with advice, since year 10 I've been pretty consistent with english, especially lang, and I have pretty steadily remained at a 7,8 and even a 9 at times, anyways I was really really shocked and devastated really to notice I got a 5 😭😭 102 total marks - in mocks I was getting 20+ more , and I'm most likely going to submit for a remark but I genuinely cannot think of where I went wrong, my creative writing preplan was 30-35 marks and I was extremely confident of how I performed, and I want to ask can they lose bits of your exam, or anyway this would be possible because I'm genuinely really shocked it completely brought down my average and I want to do english lit for alevel and my english lang grade counts for it, or just any explanation or anyone who has had a similar experience.
Maybe its just me and maybe I did do that bad?? But I genuinely cannot think of what I did wrong had checking time, wrote full paragraphs etc.
Any advice would be appreciated thankss xx

Hello, my entire class went through it too and me too. I got level 9/8 from year 10 - year 11 in lang and literature and somehow ended up with a level 6 and 7. What board did you do? From what ive seen most people who did well did aqa as opposed to those who got really unexpected results came from edexcel...
Reply 4
Original post by musab1231312
Hello, my entire class went through it too and me too. I got level 9/8 from year 10 - year 11 in lang and literature and somehow ended up with a level 6 and 7. What board did you do? From what ive seen most people who did well did aqa as opposed to those who got really unexpected results came from edexcel...

Yeah I did edexcel too, when I went to my college open day I found loads of people who were going to get their papers remarked, and also spoke to a teacher about it because she said she'd seen others with the same problem, hopefully it'll be okay with a remark, I don't know. I know that the stuff I wrote in that exam was definitely not grade 5 level thats for sure - and if you were working consistently at 8/9 like me I know it wasnt a problem with the content written in the exam. Good luck for you and your class if you do get a remark.
Original post by miranda1223
Yeah I did edexcel too, when I went to my college open day I found loads of people who were going to get their papers remarked, and also spoke to a teacher about it because she said she'd seen others with the same problem, hopefully it'll be okay with a remark, I don't know. I know that the stuff I wrote in that exam was definitely not grade 5 level thats for sure - and if you were working consistently at 8/9 like me I know it wasnt a problem with the content written in the exam. Good luck for you and your class if you do get a remark.

Exactly the same situation, got 8/9 throughout year 10 to year 11. Ended with a 6 and 7 in English somehow despite it being one of my strongest subjects. Everyone who did edexcel for English did bad and everyone who did aqa got blessed
Original post by musab1231312
Exactly the same situation, got 8/9 throughout year 10 to year 11. Ended with a 6 and 7 in English somehow despite it being one of my strongest subjects. Everyone who did edexcel for English did bad and everyone who did aqa got blessed

What were the pieces for edexcel you got given?
Original post by sound-famous-
What were the pieces for edexcel you got given?

What do you mean
Original post by musab1231312
What do you mean

From the edexcel anthology which one was in the exam? I'm just wondering why people are saying it went badly.
Reply 9
Original post by miranda1223
Hii there, this might seem kind of like a complaint but I could genuinely do with advice, since year 10 I've been pretty consistent with english, especially lang, and I have pretty steadily remained at a 7,8 and even a 9 at times, anyways I was really really shocked and devastated really to notice I got a 5 😭😭 102 total marks - in mocks I was getting 20+ more , and I'm most likely going to submit for a remark but I genuinely cannot think of where I went wrong, my creative writing preplan was 30-35 marks and I was extremely confident of how I performed, and I want to ask can they lose bits of your exam, or anyway this would be possible because I'm genuinely really shocked it completely brought down my average and I want to do english lit for alevel and my english lang grade counts for it, or just any explanation or anyone who has had a similar experience.
Maybe its just me and maybe I did do that bad?? But I genuinely cannot think of what I did wrong had checking time, wrote full paragraphs etc.
Any advice would be appreciated thankss xx

Is one paper’s mark much lower than the other? That might give you a hint as to whether there is a mistake. I would recommend remarking if you’re confident it should be a top grade.
Original post by sound-famous-
From the edexcel anthology which one was in the exam? I'm just wondering why people are saying it went badly.
the class game I think

It was the perfect question for me honestly as I prepared for it
Is one paper’s mark much lower than the other? That might give you a hint as to whether there is a mistake. I would recommend remarking if you’re confident it should be a top grade.

I've emailed and spoken to my teacher still waiting for a response, might email again tomorrow, so I'm not too sure about it yet
Original post by miranda1223
Hii there, this might seem kind of like a complaint but I could genuinely do with advice, since year 10 I've been pretty consistent with english, especially lang, and I have pretty steadily remained at a 7,8 and even a 9 at times, anyways I was really really shocked and devastated really to notice I got a 5 😭😭 102 total marks - in mocks I was getting 20+ more , and I'm most likely going to submit for a remark but I genuinely cannot think of where I went wrong, my creative writing preplan was 30-35 marks and I was extremely confident of how I performed, and I want to ask can they lose bits of your exam, or anyway this would be possible because I'm genuinely really shocked it completely brought down my average and I want to do english lit for alevel and my english lang grade counts for it, or just any explanation or anyone who has had a similar experience.
Maybe its just me and maybe I did do that bad?? But I genuinely cannot think of what I did wrong had checking time, wrote full paragraphs etc.
Any advice would be appreciated thankss xx

I think it was pretty harsh this year - I was working at a very stable 9 since year 8 and dropped drastically to a 7 in Lang and a 6 in Lit, same with the REALLY smart kids in my year who were predicted all 9s and dropped to 6-7 in English. I honestly just think the grading was really harsh

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